A Super Computer by the name of “The MareNostrum” is being built by the Supercomputing Center in Barcelona. This massive computer is going to be integrated with three different types of at architecture chip clusters: x86, ARM and Power9. This chips will allow the computers power to be able to reach and deliver up to 13.7 petaflops to enhance its performance. Although these chips are cannot be combined alone Linux will be the main supporter of all three clusters to be able to be intertwined and used together. Alongside Linux other interfaces such as Gen- Z and Open CAPI are used to create a multi- architecture structure that allows for them to be used to bring different types of architectures together. Per an email with Scott Tease, an executive director for Lenovo’s Hyper Scale and High Performance Computing group stated that,” the computer will let researchers experiment with all sorts of alternative, cutting-edge computing technologies.”
Lenovo will be an enormous contribution by providing servers and chips to the production of the MareNostrom 4. ARM and Fujitsu made a high-performance commuting chip design for specifically the production of the MareNostrom 4 last year. The chip extracts “heavy doses of vector processing” that has been a prime attribute that have been implemented in many of these modern super computers. In 2011 the BSC built a series super computers using ARM-based smartphone chips and were believed to enhance the speed and efficiency appose to other server chips such as Intel’s Xeon or IBMs power. These structures have been mounted on Intel’s server cabinets. The production of the super computer is going to be made in parts that will replace previous MareNostrum 3 allowing it to be able to store an approximate 24 petabytes.
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